Posts Tagged ‘New York’

By Andrew Mwenda

A man who can admit to being a liar should not make claims and they are taken seriously. (more…)


Jacqueline Murekatete knows what a toll harassment, intimidation and bullying can take. (more…)


By Caroline Thomas

A few feet away from me stands Tharcisse Muvunyi, former commander of the Rwandan military school Ecole des Sous Officiers (ESO). A tall, powerful-looking man, he seems younger than his 53 years, and has an air of authority and confidence in his grey pinstripe suit and red patterned tie. (more…)

By Stephen Ruvebana

Research context

On 6 April 1994, the airplane of the Rwandan president exploded in the skies above Kigali. Belgian peacekeepers reported seeing two rockets fired toward his plane from the vicinity of a camp belonging to the Rwandan Presidential Guard and army commandos. (more…)

By James F. Miskel, July 4, 1997

The horror that has in recent months re-engulfed the region along the Rwanda-Burundi-Zaire (RBZ) border ought to be an icy splash in the face of advocates of early warning systems for humanitarian emergencies. Why? Because even though the idea of an early warning system seems to have been widely accepted as conceptually sound, early warning data about the RBZ crisis has been largely ignored. (more…)

First published in Intelligence and National Security, Vol.20, No.3, September 2005, pp.440 – 465.

For most of its history the United Nations was reluctant to deal with intelligence, and major powers were reluctant to share intelligence with it. But as the UN’s peacekeeping operations intensified in some of the world’s hot spots in the early 1990s, the UN found it both necessary and wise to create an information analysis capability at UN headquarters in New York. (more…)

By Thomas G. Weiss

For weeks, diplomats and military advisers fumbled in Western capitals and at the United Nation’s Security Council in New York to respond to East Africa’s agony. (more…)

When the terrorists bombed the Pentagon and the World Trade Center, the United States pulled together to raise hundreds of millions of dollars in memory of the thousands who died on September 11th. Networks pulled regularly scheduled programs to air benefits aiding the families of lost firefighters and other victims. Countries all over the world sent symbols of their support and sympathy. (more…)